Meenakshi Annamalai is an Associate at Ganesan and Manuraj Legal LLP.
Meena is a Pianist by passion and an advocate by profession. She practiced law as a junior advocate in the State side office for a year and a half. She has worked on a wide range of matters in fields such as Electricity, Co-operative societies, Registration, Land laws- acquisition, Encroachment and Patta, Land encroachment, Service, Education and Environmental issues. Apart from regular work, she makes sure to have pro-bono Sundays and help fellow community people with free legal aid.
2016 – 2021 | School of Excellence in Law (SOEL), The Tamil Nadu Dr.Ambedkar Law University, B.Com. L.LB. (Hons.),
2021 | Qualified WIPO summer schools, DL programs and HarvardX - CopyrightX